Digital Maturity Mandate

Digital Outcomes Matter Board-level conversations have turned towards digital maturity as a strategic imperative – demanding transparency into the CEO’s digital transformation agenda. As a leader, do you have a plan to reach digital maturity? How will you exceed competitor capabilities? Industries undergoing rapid change need to recognize that digital transformation is no longer just a boardroom buzzword – it is a strategic imperative. Many boards are pressuring their CXO teams …

Digital Transformation

Transformation First

A major buzz-word in society today is Transformation.  It comes in many varieties, Organizational Transformation, Personal Transformation, Digital Transformation, Strategic Transformation, etc.. But what does Transformation really mean. Does it mean doing things slightly better than today? Or potentially worse, expending significant time and effort to be slightly better tomorrow, but then quickly backslide to old practices. At HBSC, we believe that Transformation, in whatever form you consider, is truly …

Winning with Digital Transformation

Technology has become an irrefutable foundation to our society’s daily existence and our human evolution remains increasingly tied to intelligent technologies. The ability for productivity to remain intact while supporting a stressed supply chain and a remote workforce during social distancing is critical however, it is only the beginning of Transformation. This point is driven home by the fact that many technically unprepared Fortune 1000 companies will be severely impacted both …

Enterprise AI Strategy – What Executives need to know

About every 5 years, a new technology paradigm is introduced and it changes everything.  It was true of Antibiotics, Airline Travel, the Internet, Mobility, Cloud Computing and most recently Machine Learning and AI.  Executives that are passionate about using technology to accelerate their productivity, growth and market positioning need to formalize a comprehensive AI Strategy and commit and communicate it widely throughout the organization.  We define AI Strategy as: The …

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